*Coffee-flavoured ice cream: Prefers to always have a lot of different things going on. They usually have a tendency to fall out of interest, once in a relationship. Coffee-ice-cream lovers are found to be dramatic, seductive, flirtatious— and are most romantically compatible with strawberry fans.
*Strawberry-flavoured ice cream(and other fruit-or berry flavours): Prefers to stay a bit in the shadows, but takes love seriously when in a relationship.
*Nut-flavoured ice cream: Consciousness perfectionists, who often have a hard time opening up.
*Vanilla-flavoured ice cream: Sets high requirements to themselves and prefers secure partners who can offer a stabile future. Vanilla gals (emotionally expressive and fond of PDA) melt best with rocky-road guys.
*Chocolate chip-flavoured ice cream: Tend to be confident, ambitious and very loyal in a relationship. Furthermore, mint-chocolate-chip fans are meant for each other.
*Chocolate-flavoured ice cream: Seeks attention, despises being alone and are intense lovemakers.
So now you know! hehe, I am not telling what my favorite flavour is;)
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