Saima is supporting the Palestinians

Ole is retarded...no, just kidding<3;)

I'm sooo happy to finally see Ole again :D

Everybody, meet Ole! The man both M, Saima and Myself agree every man should be like! He is intelligent, kind and just the perfect friend in every way. We loooove you, pookie:)
sykt så bleik jeg er!!! OMG
SvarSlettHow cum ole gets a whole post when he comes back and im hardly even mentioned in all ur posts?! Im just beeing a jelous cow. Ps. today i went and i bought a black and white palestinian scarf, extra authentic, bought straight off the palestinans at youngstorvet, so that i can be extra supportive.
SvarSlettseigmann, you're awsome! Surely, there will be many posts on you in the future;)