My new favourite shoes from Jeffrey Campbell. Ahhh I just love them!
The top I stole from my little sister Katarina, and the shorts from my other little sister Andrea. Pay back time! They always take my stuff...
Since I took the shorts when my sister wasn't home, I found out later that they are supposed to be worn under a skirt, tihi, so I had technically been walking around in underwear all day long. Yeah yeah. And the top I was wearing constanty tried to flash my breasts. Yeaah...So I had to shop a little while I was out and about, so I could change. Hehe, nice to finally have a valid excuse :)
oooooh, de skoene var råe!:)
SvarSlettsamme var strømpebuksa:D
Jeg dauer. Hvor har du fått tak i de skoene? Jeg har lustet de fra Chloé en evighet:P
SvarSlettme tooooo, men disse kunne jeg ta meg rå til! weeee, takk <3