I just got married! To myself!!! (True Carrie Bradshaw-style, huh?)

Mixing denim today, cus it smells like sprrriing. And blue is the new black this spring;)
For some strange reason I woke up this morning with long hair :S Hmmm..

I borrowed my mom's old leather jacket. It's pretty grooovy =)

Aaand something new! I have a serious shopping issue. I know I shouldn't, but I just can't help myself! Especially since big earrings are my weakness. So help me God
I tried to take a good picture with my new earrings on, but I just don't manage to :( It just gets all blury...

New top/dress from gina and skirt from Express. Felt like dressing up a bit, later today, as I met up with Ida for a coffee and some girl-to-girl talk. She leaves on Friday, and is going to travel around the world for 6 months. I'm gonna miss her<3 Check out www.idasworld.blogg.no to take part in her amazing journey :)

Måtte sensurere meg selv litt der gitt, hehe, meg og "smile pent" er ikke den beste combo'n...

My fugly new shoes, XXI..
Tune of the day: Single Ladies(put a ring on it) - Beyonce
So feel free to send me a new pair of Manolo Blahniks ;)
SvarSlettKommer til å savne deg også vennen<3 mer enn du aaaner!! Men vet jeg kommer til å snakke masse med deg mens jeg er rundt å reiser!!
Love your style babe<3
Miss you allready....XOXO