sløyfe: gina tricot
skjorte: lindex
bukse: h&m
briller: d&g
tirsdag er hoppedag - fram og tilbake mellom BI og Blindern
- gotta admit, jeg droppet et seminar til fordel for kaffesladring med stats.vit. gutta i morges..(seminaret begynner kl 8!) on a wrong track... sliter litt med matten i mikro 2200 så er ikke direkte lurt...
shame on me. i will start a new and better life tomorrow. skal bruke det vi lærte i organisational psychology i dag til å sette meg små mål så jeg kan ete hele j**** elefanten! (fine metaforen han brukte på endelige målet)
---and if you wonder why i switch between english and norwegian that is because sarah and i went to IB together (its like the most geeky thing ever - which is probably why we didnt end up with the best grades there...) and at BI i attend/attended the BBA programme (which btw is the only ful english thought bachelor in Oslo - whats up with that!!?). now im doing a mix between BI (12 credits) and the university of Oslo(30 credits)in Social economics... got to say that i prefer UiO -more due to what seems to be the motivation at the dif places (money vs knowledge)rather than anything else...

why are you so beautiful??
SvarSlettme so jealous...YOU PRETTY LADIE!
Lady*** God Im stupid...