It's not that I think my personal taste is superior to others or anything, but I am higly convinced that something is wrong here- very wrong! 
How is it possible that so many people(normal people!!!), like several of my own friends, find this tasteless brand appealing? That they find any aesthetic value in these exaggerated tattoo-inspired garments, and are willing to pay over a hundred dollars, to cover themselves in apparel that make them look like stupid pranksters. Even Hollywood is affected by this vicious epedemic, and people whom really should have known better(Audrina from The Hills, for example), are dressing up in these skanky little things, that are sure to make Coco Chanel and Gianni Versace turn over in their graves.
Trust me, I am all about colors, patterns and things that are not typically viewed as beautiful, but this lack any sense of style as far as I am concerned. Some of the creations might be fun to look at, but the fun stops there and any person with respect for themselves should never, ever(!), consider making themselves the target of the laughing matter here.

How is it possible that so many people(normal people!!!), like several of my own friends, find this tasteless brand appealing? That they find any aesthetic value in these exaggerated tattoo-inspired garments, and are willing to pay over a hundred dollars, to cover themselves in apparel that make them look like stupid pranksters. Even Hollywood is affected by this vicious epedemic, and people whom really should have known better(Audrina from The Hills, for example), are dressing up in these skanky little things, that are sure to make Coco Chanel and Gianni Versace turn over in their graves.
Trust me, I am all about colors, patterns and things that are not typically viewed as beautiful, but this lack any sense of style as far as I am concerned. Some of the creations might be fun to look at, but the fun stops there and any person with respect for themselves should never, ever(!), consider making themselves the target of the laughing matter here.
...sa jenta som endte opp med en ed hardy cap på hode i går. trodde jeg skulle dø av latter!!! uttrykket i fjeset ditt da jeg sa det til deg var priceless:D