torsdag 28. januar 2010

New York blog

Helloooo everyone:)

I started a new blog, about new york, fashion and my life there. check it out


onsdag 20. januar 2010

I'm Moving...

...To New York....In less than 5 days...

So blog updates are not guaranteed...

Wish me luck!


tirsdag 19. januar 2010



Out to have fun

What I looked like saturday night and the following day...Tequila shots are not good for you!


Trash Queen


mandag 18. januar 2010

søndag 17. januar 2010

lørdag 16. januar 2010

torsdag 14. januar 2010


I'm sooo tired today, OH MY GOD! My second ice coffee and I feel nothing... nothing!
In an attempt to draw the attention from my tired face, I decided to flash both some bra and skin.

Scarf is Roberto Cavalli at H&M and the belt is vintage Mulberry.


onsdag 13. januar 2010

Stealing feathers

I stole this picture from Anywho, I had too, it's amazing! Breathtaking



Scarf with fringes: By Malene Birger
Knitted scarf: H&M
Sweater: H&M
Top: Gina Tricot
Shoes: Jeffery Cambell

Jeg fikk et veldig hyggelig spørsmål fra en leser:

"Og KAn du fortelle litt om ditt liv som designer, hva du går? hvordan det er? og om hvordan du kom inn på skole i USA og hvilken?"

Tusen takk for kommentar:) Jeg er ikke designer, ennå, men gi meg 4 år så skal vi se;) Jeg har kommet inn på en skole som heter FIT som ligger på Manhattan, NY. Dette er en veldig annerkjent moteskole. Her skal jeg studere Fashion Design. Skolen starter 1. februar, så hittil har ikke studiet mitt begynt og jeg aner ingenting om hvordan det kommer til å bli. Gleder meg! Jeg kommer til å blogge om dette mens jeg er i NY, så her er det bare å følge med;)
Å komme inn på skolen er ikke så lett. Jeg søkte året før, men fikk ikke plass. Jeg var rett og slett ikke god nok. Så derfor ble jeg anbefalt å ta et sommer kurs, "summerrim",på FIT hvor jeg hadde fag som "sewing techniques" og "fashion and design art" i 3 uker. Jeg lærte altså sying på ett grunnleggende nivå, og hvordan man "scetcher" mote tegninger. Det var veldig intenst.
Etter kurset var jeg mye bedre rustet til å søke på ny, gjorde dette, og kom inn :D

Hvis du ønsker å søke så går du inn på, som er FIT sin hjemmeside, så står det hvordan du søker om plass. Lykke til!


Nu skin


I heart NY


Trendy A

This babe came at work to pay me a visit, in her new parka that she got from me and K for christmas. And she's rocking it! Totally loving the outfit:)


Shopping on a budget

The sweaters where 49,- each at Gina, hehe(of course)..

These two nail polishes got to join my collection, both for only 39,-. Sooo looking forward to use the white one :)

I also bought a big, heavy knitted scarf in black at H&M, so no more freezing on my part!


DIY gone bad...acne-project

I was gonna throw this ugly thing, when an Acne sweater gave me an idea for a DIY. This is the before shot.
And this is the result. Not quite as cool as the Acne sweater, but yeah yeah..I tried!


fredag 8. januar 2010


My outfit. The silver sequin jacket is from Voice of Europe. Top, not sure, I stole it from my sister. Tights from Express, scarf is an ebay item and the shoes are from DinSko. I got these bracelets from Mint as a christmas present from Richard and Sara, the department managers at Jeans Høyer. Thank you very much, cutiepies :)


torsdag 7. januar 2010

yeay :)

Eva, the manager of the Trend department at Høyer, blogged the outfit I was wearing yesterday:) I admire Eva and her style, so this made my day! Check out her blog at and be inspired!!!


mandag 4. januar 2010

Me and turquoise



Alexander wang-ish sweater from Voice of Europe, that just went "konk". 70% off, me like:)
Tights from Gina Tricot


It's 2010..

This year is going to be the best year yet. 2009 was good, can't complain. But this year is gonna be so much better! I've grown, I'm strong, and now there's nothing I can't do. I am my own limit, and I choose to me limitless(if there ever was such a word). But you get the point;)


Happy New Year!!!

What a nice day!My little DIY project. A inexpensive way of getting a new pair of shoes!Voila!My outfit on the floorAnd on me! I had one good picture and one bad. Of course, I managed to delete the good one. Well well, hope everyone had a fab night:) And that 2010 will bring you everything you wished for!


Owl City

I found an old owl pendant from XXI.. Owls are cool:)


New tights

The rest is just a half hearted try to look, I don't know, nice? I've been so tired lately..hehe, and taking a picture next to the spray tan cabinet? Where don't I take my pictures!? hehe
